Wednesday, 19 March 2014

The RetroFinder

P7131752 by amalric

I devised a folding DIY add on, made out of an old Kiev 60 viewer,  which magnifies the camera's LCD and shades it from ambient  light.

It can be folded flat, and is kept in place by a flash bracket.

 I called it the RetroFinder  since it makes any camera look like a SteamPunk device. It might come handy for the Panasonic GM1 too. 


  1. Very cool. I did glue an NEX-7 LCD magnifier on to my E-PM1, but that does not look nearly as snazzy as yours! :-)

  2. That's a fine piece of precision mechanics, that as probably imitated by the Russians from Rolleiflex.

  3. BTW how do you like the new shape of the blog? Probably you are a much more expert blogger than me, one month old (!) so don't spare the advice :)
